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Hacking the reality


It's a performance project born from my need to express the struggle of the Yukpas for the recovery of their ancestral territories.

Using physical theater and circus thecniques as a means of communication and protest.


The idea of the project is to open a physical and emotional dialogue about our identity and the current global crisis.

Hacking the Reality is not about entertainment, I use scenic art as an excuse for reflection confronting issues about the territory, women abuse, and human stupidity.


Part of this piece is focused on Sabino and Mary.

The Cacique Sabino Romero was a leader Yukpa indigenous rights fighter, killed on March 3, 2013.

Mary Fernández teacher and Indigenous Yukpa woman who was kidnapped and tortured on November 19, 2018.

Mary is a survivor of the evil and material vulnerability of our human condition.



The Yukpa belong to a binational tribe that lives in the Sierra de Perijá on the border between Colombia and Venezuela




Women in defense of their territory

Duration: 25min

Aerial rope/video performace/Rap


Zorybel Garcia
Circus & Physical Theater Performer
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